速報APP / 個人化 / Butterfly Live Lock Screen

Butterfly Live Lock Screen





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Butterfly Live Lock Screen(圖1)-速報App

You all only knows about only few type of style to unlock your phone like pattern lock, passcode lock and sliding lock.

Butterfly Live Lock Screen is a cool, secure Lock screen app with differnt style to Unlock your phone which provide you a clever way

to unlock the phone. The way of unlocking phone will be more confusing for the intruderto unlock your phone.

Butterfly Live Lock Screen(圖2)-速報App


■ Beautiful & stylish interface.

■ Set Butterfly Live Lock Screen and see the magic of dropes.

Butterfly Live Lock Screen(圖3)-速報App

■ Also use passcode lock to provide your phone double security.

■ Easy to use just use live lock screen set it and enjoy it.

■ Touch the Butterfly and it will fly in your screen.

Butterfly Live Lock Screen(圖4)-速報App

■ Also set leaves to fall on the screen.

■ Touch the screen to generate more water drops.

■ Butterfly Live Lock Screen also have the feature of set your system wallpaper.

Butterfly Live Lock Screen(圖5)-速報App

■ Butterfly Live Lock Screen have multiple HD wallpaper to make your phone more beautiful.

■ Fully new concept of Lock screen in market.

Butterfly Live Lock Screen(圖6)-速報App

■ Totally free live lock screen.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us;)

Butterfly Live Lock Screen(圖7)-速報App

E-mail: prabhubarman007@gmail.com